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Earn more with personalized money tips

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Wish someone would just
tell you
exactly how
to manage
your money?

Here you go.

Managing your finances is overwhelming.

Which credit card is best?

Roth IRA?

Where should I put my money?

What's an HYSA?

How do I raise my credit score?

Should I refinance yet?

Where do I learn about all this stuff???

We make it brain-dead easy.

An iphone
A rich zombie holding a martini.
An image of a financial tip suggesting you open a new credit card that will earn you maximum reward points based on your spending habits.

We'll tell you how to optimize your finances and earn more money.

A rich zombie in a fancy dress.
An iPhone.
Group 103_edited.An image of a financial tip suggesting you open a new credit card that will earn you maximum reward points based on your spending habits.

We'll even explain our recommendations, so you learn as you earn.

Get personalized tips on

  • Better interest rates

  • Paying off debt

  • Optimizing credit cards

  • Refinancing loans

  • Raising your credit score

  • Rebalancing accounts

  • Contributing to investments

  • And more...

Getting started is so easy

Four banks wired to a green brain in the center.
The Brainless app icon with a notification symbol.
A big pile of cash.

Securely connect your bank accounts with             

Receive weekly tips on improvements you can make

Sit back, relax, and let the money roll in


Your data is:  securely stored

encrypted in transit

deleted when unneeded

safe with us.

Safe zombie

So stop stressing
and start earning.

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A group of rich zombies playing croquet.

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